Is there anything more thrilling than the DOCTOR telling you how to see a blackhole?!!! The scientists, what a journey it has been, ten years from taking on the challenge and daring hypothesizing to r... Is there anything more thrilling than the DOCTOR telling you how to see a blackhole?!!! The scientists, what a journey it has been, ten years from taking on the challenge and daring hypothesizing to restless experimenting and the league of eight and finally, viola! ///Shep Doeleman is sooo damn hot. ///Event Horizon Telescope.
该片预计时长59分钟,看过《如何看见黑洞:宇宙的终极秘密》的网友给它定义的关键词:纪录片 黑洞 BBC 天文学 英国 天文 [纪录片]-BBC 2019
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